Thursday, October 01, 2009

I may be dying right now

The other day I was flipping through the channels and came across a program on the heart and heart attacks, which was really interesting. There where all kinds of amazing things that they covered in this show. Things about various types of heart disease and heart defects and all kinds of medical stuff that I never knew about.

While watching this show I found out that there is such a thing as a painless heart attack. During this heart attack, as the name explains, you don’t feel any pain. None at all. To the extent that you don’t even know that you are having a heart attack.

Holy shit on a stick, this freaks me out! Why you may ask? Because I am having no pain RIGHT NOW. I am having massive amounts of absolutely no pain. Someone CALL 9-1-1!!!

The show said that people who experience painless heart attacks are going through their day just like always and BOOM, dead as a doornail. Man, that’s jacked up. I mean you didn’t even get a chance to call the medics or anything. What if you had some fun shit to do later that day?

How bad would it suck to spend all of eternity being asked how you died and all you can say is “I don’t know? One minute I was getting ready for a date with these two hot blondes and the next minute I am here with you stiffs.” You didn’t even get a chance to live the dream. That has got to be the ultimate screw job. That would suck royally!


Don’t get dead


Phats said...

My sister can't watch medical dramas anymore because she believes she has everything they diagnose people with haha :)

cassdawn said...

you know how they say aspirin can save your life if you are having a heartattack?? well, just eat aspirin all day and then you'll be fine :)

Heff said...

Say what you will, but I'd rather unknowingly drop dead painlessly than experience crushing chestpains and people freaking out for 45 minutes trying to get good ol' Uncle Heff to the hospital before it's too late...

Andrea said...

I am a nurse, and it is my professional opinion that you are probably NOT dying right now.
Well I am moving to Texas this Sunday. I'll be in your neck of the woods by Tuesday!
I never thought I would EVER say this, but I am going to miss Michigan!

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