Saturday, July 12, 2008


After a beer or two, or eight or so, I got to thinking about colors. Don’t ask why because I really don’t know why. But I was thinking about them. And I was wondering why red gets the shaft.

Pretty much every color has a light and a dark, but red. Almost like adding some black to a color and you get a dark what ever and by adding some white you get a light what ever. Black and white are exceptions. You can’t get darker than black or lighter than white. And if you try to lighten black or darken white you get grey so that is the exception. But you have light and dark blue, light and dark green, light and dark brown, yellow and so on.

But red is treated differently. Light red is pink and dark red is crimson or maroon. What kind of BS is that?

There is something about purple and lavender or something but I am having a hard time focusing on that right now.

But why did red get the shaft? Or is it that red is getting special treatment?

Oh hell, I don’t know.

Don’t get dead

1 comment:

Big Gare said...

What planet are you really from?

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