Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Let me hear from you

One of my favorite things to do is to ask hypothetical questions just to see how people answer. It’s just something that I find interesting. So with that said, let me hear from you in regards to this question. Leave a comment and if you want you can do it anonymously.

The question for today is

If you could go back in time and witness one historic event in person, what would it be?

Feel free to elaborate on it if you want.

Don’t get dead

***Edit - There are so many to choose from. It would be sweet to be there when early man discovered fire or invented the wheel, or when Ben Franklin discovered electricity, or Paul Reveres famous ride, or possibly to watch the Write Bros first flight, Columbus landing in the new world for the first time, the Mayflower landing on Plymouth Rock, Washington crossing the Delaware, the signing of the Declaration of Independence, maybe to be there when man landed on the moon. Hell, I would like to see what it was like the first time a person ate an oyster.

The thing that I would like to go back in time for the most is to be there when my mom died so that I could talk to her one more time and tell her that I love her one more time.

And if that doesn’t count, I guess I would like to be there the first time someone light a fart, that would be hilarious!


Phats said...

What's your answer?

I'd choose the writing of the constitution. Or the Lincoln/Douglass debates

Brackets are posted, thanks for participating.

kimberkara said...

I would like to witness my birth.

none said...

Cody said the Kenedy assination but now he's not so sure kuz it sounds a little morbid.
I think I would like to witness the feeding of the thousands. when Jesus miricaly made the few fish and loaves of bread last to feed thousands but only if I could have been one of the people to carry one of the baskets. (I know I know leave it to me to pick a biblical event)

none said...

Wow! sorry about the spelling!

Mr. Shife said...

One thing huh? Wow. That is a tough one. So many great moments in history but I think I am going to go with a sports moment because I am a sports nut so my answer would be to go the 1967 World Series with my Grandad and Mom to watch Bob Gibson beat the Red Sox in Game 7.

Phats said...

you know when man first landed on moon it was a PURDUE GRAD!!

The Dadman Diaries said...

Who invented circumcision?

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