Sunday, December 14, 2008

Dear Sweezey – I need help

Dear Sweezey,

Why can't he just tell me he likes me? Or tell me to fuck off. One of the two. I don't understand why he's playing with me like that. Why would you do that? If he would just tell me how he feels, just once. I can stay...or move on.


Dear Confused,

Maybe he “don’t think of you in that way” like the BS that women tell men all the time. Maybe he “just likes you as a friend”. Maybe he “isn’t ready to get involved with someone right now”. Maybe he “just got out of a bad relationship”. Maybe the tide has turned and a guy is giving a girl some of their own medicine!

Or maybe he is just using you to get laid, how the hell am I supposed to know?

- Sweezey

Don’t get dead

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