Monday, August 18, 2008

Zobmondo Question for 8/18/08

Would you rather

Have your tongue covered in hair


Have facial acne that never clears up?

Don't get dead


Anonymous said...

Hair on the tongue. Definitely. It'd stay warm when I drink a slushy.

Now, here's my question to you. Would you rather:

A) Have your achilles tendon snipped with a pair of rusty nippers, then be chased through a thunderstorm by a madman with a pitchfork -


B) Be buried up to your neck in an open field, have your head painted like a soccer ball, and then have a bunch of Brazilian kids start hangin' around?

Keep livin' like Thanksgivin'. -T

Booya said...

Valid point, the hairy tongue would cut down on the brain freeze. I think I will have to go with option B Thaddeus, I am not much of a runner.

Don't get dead

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