Friday, August 29, 2008

Don't get dead?

A lot of people have asked me, “What does don’t get dead mean?” Well, the answer is quite simple. While we are on this planet we are either living or dead. And if you are not living life to the fullest, you might as well be dead. It’s kind of a mantra.

Now I am not talking about going out and risking life and limb or doing a bunch of extreme stuff or anything specific, but I am talking about enjoying the time we have. So go out, do stuff, have fun, smile, laugh, and enjoy yourself. Have a party, go out and see the world, pursue an education, try new things but just don’t sit around and waist your life away. In other words, don’t get dead.

Trust me there is enough everyday stuff that can bring you down, don’t celebrate it by not taking advantage of all that this world has to offer.

But after I started blogging it takes on a second meaning, in short, don’t do stupid shit to get yourself killed.

So as Thaddeus Gunn said, “Keep Living like Thanksgiving”


Don’t get dead

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