Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dear Sweezey - Crazy Weather

Dear Sweezey,

You know you live in Texas when its warm one day and cold the next. Brrr, it was a chilly this morning. Had to turn on the oven to warm up the place. Thinking of lighting the pilot on the furnace. Is it too early? Or should I tough it out? The extended forecast shows a few cooler nights.


Winter Wonderer

Dear Winter Wonderer,

Have you read my Dear Sweezey post before? You really came to me with a weather question? Ok, here is what I think you should do, you should not light the pilot on the furnace until June or July. Oh and another thing that you should do is to open all of the windows in your house, especially at night. And then you should go get a cold bath late at night and then don’t dry off and go right to bed. But don’t dry off and sleep on top of the covers.

Look jackass, its NOVEMBER, if someone has to tell you to turn on the heat when it is cold out, you deserve anything you get. How stupid are you? Do people have to tell you to wipe after you have crapped? Do you need some strangers’ advice on eating when you are hungry? Why do you need someone to tell you to light the pilot on your heater when it is cold? I mean, the economy is not the best right now but how much are we talking about spending? Probably less than a dollar a month.

- Sweezey

Don't get dead

1 comment:

Phats said...

People in Texas shouldn't complain about it being called they are a jackass! ha I hate winter

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