Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dear Sweezey - Need a room for a night

Dear Sweezey,

Do you know of a place in the DFW area where one can rent a room for a tryst?

- Secret Lover

Dear Secret,

You are an idiot aren’t you? You want to know if I know of a place that you can rent a room to go bang some skank? Try a hotel moron. There are only about 10 thousand of them in the area. I hear there is a really nice one down off of I-35, it is called the Lou Sterrett Justice Center. When you check in you get these really cool orange coveralls and every guest gets a portrait taken!

- Sweezey

As always feel free to e-mail for advice on ANYTHING at

Don’t get dead

1 comment:

The Middle Lifer said...

Now that's as bad as asking what is all about...

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