Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sometimes I get bored …

… and that is dangerous. Because when I get bored I start to think and that’s when the little devil guy on my shoulder takes the business end of a claw hammer to the little angel guy on the other shoulder.

It’s not that I think up mean (well sometimes) or harmful (oh shut-up) things. I just think up things to do for my own entertainment. Fortunately for me, most of my friends and co-workers know that I am an idiot so they accept my “bored” behavior.

So I think starting today I am going to try to get into every conversation that I can, just to say my “phrase of the day”. Every day I am going to pick up a new phrase and just throw it into a conversation, regardless if it applies to what the conversation is about or not.

I may start slowly with something generic like “I heard that”. Just that and then leave. Then I think I will work my way up to something a bit more a-holeish like, “That’s what she said” and later on work my way into something like, “Well yeah, if you want the terrorist to win” or “Yeah, well COMMUNISM works in theory too!” and then just walk away.

I will probably be locked up in the looney bin this time next year but it will be fun, and really isn’t that all that matters? That I am entertained. I thought so as well.

Don’t get dead

1 comment:

Phats said...

you know they did something like this on big brother with america's player. haha yeah I am retard who watches WAY too much television

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