Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tip for you morons out there

If you are going to get into an exit lane and then without warning to anyone around decide that you are NOT going to exit and change lanes back onto the road, that’s fine. And if you are going to ride someone’s ass simply because they won’t get out of your way even when there is a lane right next to you on the left with no one in it, that’s fine. And if you are going to cut someone off and drive in rush hour traffic like you are in some kind of goddamn NASCAR race, that is fine as well.

Just don’t be surprised when your cell phone blows up with call after call because you drive like this with a big ass for sale sign on your car with your cell phone number boldly printed on it, you dumbass. Nice penmanship idiot.

I know it may be a shock for you to find out that, believe it or not, other people have cell phones too.

And for you mister work truck driver who feels like the road belongs to them with a “How’s my driving?” bumber sticker on your work truck, do you really think it’s your best career move to cut off people, road rage and give them the finger in said company vehicle? Hey Elmer, do you wonder why you can’t move up the company ladder? Maybe it is because you are a complete moron. Yeah, I am putting my money on that.

I think the next time I see some of these idiotic acts that I will post their number on here, with all of their details, you know so that anyone who might be interested in buying the car or bragging to the company how they are driving. Not anything like calling them over and over again telling them what a douche bag they are or reporting their irresponsible behavior to their company, no no no, nothing like that :)

Don’t get dead

1 comment:

Mr. Shife said...

Maybe I can put them in my network and they can be one of my faves. Or at least I can send them a lovely text message waxing poetic about how much ass they suck. Well stay safe out there and remember to buckle up.

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