Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pills, Glorious Pills!

Happy pills that is. For those who don’t know (because I don’t write about what is going on in my life a whole lot), I hurt my back recently. Who knew bench pressing dump truck transmissions could hurt you… yeah, that’s a load of crap.

I actually have no idea what I did but I hurt it. And it sucks.

After being able to barely walk, much less get up, on Sunday I decided that I had to get some help and that this wasn’t going to get better on its own. So it was either a visit to Dr. Mengele’s understudy or to a “street vendor” on a shady corner of town or something because this was starting to suck royally. After a few calls around I was able to get both a session in “the rack” and some prescription goodness. Ahh yes, better living through chemistry. At this point I could care less about what is in these tiny little pharmaceutical dynamite caps, but I am happy to have them. A couple of the main reasons that I am happy to have these little marvels of modern science is because the pain was getting to be a bit much and quite frankly I was getting tired of walking like a gorilla.

So I have no idea of how coherent this is but it is making sense to me, at least right now it is.

So that’s what is going on with me lately. I have some notes scribbled down about things that I would like to write about but who knows when I will get to those.

Yeah pills!!

Don’t get dead

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