Friday, September 19, 2008

You know what they say…

For the love of everything holy, don’t ever start a phase with “You know, they say…” if you don’t know who “THEY” is/are. We could be talking about anything and if that phrase comes up, I am going to grill you on it.

And I am not talking about anything specific, it could be on any topic. Just don’t do it, because I will be on a mission to publicly make you look like a complete ass. I heard a guy say once, “you know they say wearing baseball caps will make you go bald”. Ok there Dr. Hawking, who says this? Because if it is some bullshit that your momma made up or you heard Howard Stern say or some crap like that, your nut sack is about to get a kicking of epic proportions.

You see, I could give a rats ass less if some BS researcher at Flunkville State Junior College does a study that says drinking milk has an effect on the jet stream. But if the American Cancer Association comes out with a study that clinically shows how drinking out of styrofoam cups is linked to a certain type of cancer, yeah I am going to listen up.

Basically what I am saying is know what you are talking about if you are going to say it. And if you do know who came up with the information, make sure that it is legitimate.

Ever hear of the weight loss drug Lipozene ( Yeah, if you notice they have changed their commercial because the “university” they used to mention when they claim that a “major university double blind study” didn’t exist, now they just say a major university. I forget which news show it was (20/20 or Dateline or something like that) did a story on it. They found the address for this university and went to it, it was a house. And the old lady who answered the door had no idea what they were talking about. So just because someone says it or you read it online, make sure it’s factual before you spread it like manure.

You see, hearsay is bullshit. So if it’s not factual don’t spread it like it is or be ready to accept your punishment.

Don’t get dead

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