Sunday, September 21, 2008

Umm, yeah

So the other day I was watching the local news when they did a story on recovering from Ike. Now I know that the government, FEMA specifically, is trying to help. And let me go a little further and say that I don’t do political commentary. I have my views and I keep them to myself. I read a lot of political BS online, so I know that there is ample commentary out there. Regardless of party, they all have screw ups that are members of the party. And more so, none of us know all of the facts and if you think that you do, you are sadly mistaken.

So anyway FEMA is going to have a hard time recovering from the bad publicity that they received during Katrina and Rita. This story isn’t going to help either.

They had film crews down in Galveston interviewing people whose homes where tragically devastated by Ike when they found a man who had received a meal from FEMA. So these meals are made up of nonperishable items, which was the case with the man that the film crew was interviewing. This mans meal consisted of a can of mixed fruit, a bag of potato chips and a can of microwavable ravioli. You know, for this area that isn’t supposed to have ELECTRICTY for 4 to 8 weeks. So the man found a microwave, it was in a tree in the neighbors lawn. Again, I know they are trying to help, but why don’t people just think? Just a little bit.

Don’t get dead

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